Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saying Yes

Today, a brief detour from my sewing machine fabric frenzy to remember how lucky I am to be able to spend most days teaching myself the womanly arts and chasing the kids.  This morning during my normal morning coffee and computer time, I came across this great article for stay-at-home moms, about having more fun and truly enjoying being home.  Gave me so much to think about!

Shorty is off doing teenager things and the little ones were asking every ten minutes, "What are we doing today?  Are we doing anything today?  Are we going somewhere?".  Inspired by number one in the article, I said "Yes.  Yes we are going to Target, because we need Tide."  I have to admit, I wasn't sold on the idea of being happier by saying yes.  Going to target with the kids is usually a battle of wills about whether or not treats and toys will be purchased for them, so I pretty much always go in prepped for maximum irritation.

For whatever reason, the stars aligned properly or something, my kids accepted my spending limits and didn't make me repeat myself.  Amazing!

Sometimes they surprise me, and because they do, I decided to surprise them by stopping by a playground instead of going straight home.

Saying yes isn't always a painful experience, and giving it a shot today reminded me why being a stay at home mom is awesome.  Look at me, it's 3:30 p.m. and I'm on a park bench under a huge tree listening to the beautiful music of giggling children, can't get better than that!

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